
Summary of the tour highlights
This tour provides you with the opportunity to participate in the most famous lavender festival of France, the “Corso de Lavande” that celebrates its 67th year in 2013. This festival is a key event for the region and is a wonderful way to celebrate all that is lavender! We also take the opportunity to visit fields and distillers of the region as well as local artisans and sample local delicacies and enjoy thermal spa treatments. Your guide, Rhiannon has lived in the region for 13 years and will ensure you have an authentic experience of Provence.
尋芳蹤--普羅旺斯行提供您絕佳的機會參與法國最著名的薰衣草節慶“Corso de Lavande”,法國南部普羅旺斯地區以栽種薰衣草著稱,這個區域生產的薰衣草精油至今仍然是全世界最佳品質,薰衣草節慶已有67年歷史,每年的八月是慶祝薰衣草豐收的重要活動,我們藉此機會拜訪栽種芳香植物的農莊及蒸餾者,也拜訪當地的工匠感受藝術之美,傳統美食更是不容錯過,當我們拜訪古溫泉療育聖地時,當然也要享受一下溫泉SPA療程,我們的導遊Rhiannon是世界知名的芳療講師,定居在法國南部長達13年,透過她的安排及引導想必可以有一趟不同凡響的芳香之行,體驗真實的法國生活。

Friday 2nd August    星期五8月2日(第一天)
We meet at Nice airport at 10h30 and travel up to Digne les Bains, stopping in the medieval village of Entrevaux for lunch and taking time to wander around this remarkable historic site. We then continue to travel northwards through spectacular mountain scenery. Upon arrival at Digne les Bains, our destination town, we check into a local hotel. After supper together we go to the town centre to watch the firework display that celebrates the official opening of Digne’s famous lavender festival, the “Corso de Lavande”. This stunning pyrotechnic display is accompanied by music and takes place spread over the river Bleone. There is also a nearby funfair and street party. After enjoying the festivities we then return to the hotel.
第一天--上午10:30前在尼斯機場集合會面,出發前往迪涅萊班(Digne les Bains),途中經過中世紀古城entrevaux感受浪漫城堡氛圍並享用午餐,漫步在充滿歷史情懷的城區,稍微紓解長途旅程的疲憊。接著經過壯麗的山川景色,繼續前往目的地-迪涅萊班,入住當地旅館,在一同享用在地晚餐之後,前往市中心參觀薰衣草節慶的開幕煙火,在Bleone河畔觀賞令人驚豔的聲光展演,並觀賞有趣的街頭活動以及附近的市集

Saturday 3rd August星期六8月3日(第二天)
Today we spend the entire morning in Digne’s centre visiting the lavender fair, the town’s large provençale market, its lovely botanic garden and have time for shopping. After lunch in the town centre, we take a late afternoon tour of the area to visit villages, lavender fields and areas of particular interest before returning to the hotel for dinner. After dinner, we can return once more to the city centre for more dancing and music.

Sunday 4th August星期日8月4日(第三天)
This morning we travel to a small scale lavandin and tarragon producer and distiller in the quaint village of Cruis, returning to Digne in time to participate in the afternoon’s lavender carnival procession through the centre of Digne. This famous carnival procession is very colourful with carnival floats, marching bands from different countries and the streets are sprayed with lavender hydrolat to keep the crowds happy! After this event, we return to the hotel for dinner and have time to talk about and taste some of the region’s local delicacies. Rhiannon will also provide you with recipes and tips on how to make them at home.


Monday 5th August星期日8月5日(第四天)
This morning we check out of the hotel and then visit an award winning organic olive oil producer. This is a small family run olive farm with trees that are over 100 years old. Here we have a chance to hear firsthand about the art and tradition of olive production and have a tasting session of their superb olive oil. Following lunch, we receive some thermal spa treatments in the thermal spa centre of Digne itself. Treatment comprises a thermal jet bath with essential oils and a 20 minute massage plus access to the thermal swimming pool. Following these treatments, we then transfer to the city of Grasse, and check into our hotel in the centre of town before dinner.
請 攜帶泳衣泳帽

Tuesday 6th August星期日  8月6日(第五天)
This morning we have a special VIP guided tour of Fragonard Museum and Perfume house in Grasse with time set aside for shopping. Following lunch we then take part in a two hour perfume-making workshop at Galimard in the afternoon. Here you have the opportunity to be guided in the art of perfume creation by an expert perfumer and make your own personalised eau de toilette to take home. After the workshop, we then visit a pharmacy that specialises in the sale of herbal products and essential oils. before returning to the centre of Grasse and your hotel. Tonight we have a special aromatic dinner together to celebrate the end of the program.

Wednesday 7th August星期日8月7日(第六天)
This morning we check out of the hotel and travel to the Florihana distillery for a guided tour and have the chance to buy organic essential oils and related products. Following the visit of this facility that specializes in distillation under vacuum, we travel to the scenic village of Gourdon with its panoramic views of the coast and a snack lunch before returning to the airport by 16h latest.




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